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Book For Wives
What You Thought Was Possible for Your Marriage
Whether you’re dealing with bitterness in your marriage or just want to obtain a greater level of intimacy with your spouse, this book will provide you with the keys to grabbing hold of a marriage beyond what you thought would ever be possible.
As a Pastor's wife and leader of a dynamic wive's ministry, Debbie digs through the Bible to provide wives
with over-looked nuggets of wisdom that provide a brilliant roadmap to a fulfilling marriage.
A powerful workbook for wives!
Chapters include:
- How to esteem your husband into greatness!
- The Biblical case for confronting bad behavior and establishing boundaries
- Dealing with resentment, emotional pain, and Biblical forgiveness
- Getting your husband to open up his heart to you
- Building healthy physical intimacy with your man
- Praying powerfully for your husband
- Affair-proofing and porn-proofing your marriage
We want to equip as many wives as possible
so we are making books available for a
suggested donation of $15
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Bellingham, WA 98228
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Ordering for large groups show host...wives' ministry leader....conference speaker